Colleagues from AIM Altitude were delighted to welcome Mr Zhang, CFO of AVIC, and his delegation to the AVIC Cabin Systems office in London on 30th October 2019.
The visit was to enable Mr Zhang and AVIC to realise a greater understanding of the operations within the recently formed AVIC Cabin Systems.
Along with his colleagues, Mr Zhang also visited AIM Altitude’s head office in Bournemouth for a tour of the manufacturing area and a presentation of financial planning. The delegation then travelled to Thompson Aero Seating in Northern Ireland for a similar tour and presentation.
Mr Zhang commented that much progress has been made in the setup, integration, governance and business synergies since AVIC Cabin Systems was established last July.
The members of the delegation were:
- Mr. ZHANG Minsheng, AVIC CFO
- Mr. DU Benzheng, VP Finance, AVIC
- Mr. ZENG Taotao, Director, Finance, AVIC
- Ms. TIAN Xue, Senior Manager, International Affairs, AVIC
- Mr. JIN Zheng, Manager, General Management, AVIC
Both AIM Altitude and Thompson Aero Seating are members of AVIC Cabin Systems, along with FACC, Jiatai Aircraft Equipment Co., and Fesher.