On the evening of Thursday, 2nd June, in the historic surroundings of The Royal Society in London and in the presence of the Chinese Ambassador and senior political and business figures, Mr Wu Guanquan, Chairman of AVIC International hosted a formal celebration of the acquisition of AIM Altitude.
The occasion brought to a close two days of sustained activity that had included the companies’ first board meeting including a visit to AIM Altitude’s Galleys Division based at Byfleet during which Mr Lai Weixan, President of AVIC International Holding Corporation and Mark Edwards both made speeches welcoming the acquisition by AVIC.
At the celebration ceremony a number of speeches were made by the Chinese Ambassador, Mr Lai Weixuan, Dave Ott representing Boeing and Mark Edwards, CEO of AIM Altitude and others. All expressed their excitement about the new venture and appreciation of the strategic advantages the merger brings for the future.
Following formal photographs, guests celebrated the occasion over cocktails and supper.